Lothian Hypertension and Lipid clinics

Professor David Webb


Professor David Webb

Professor Webb is Professor Emeritus in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics at the University of Edinburgh. He was, until recently, Lead for Hypertension services in NHS Lothian, and a Consultant in the Hypertension Clinic at WGH. He provides a link to the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) for our ESH-accredited Hypertension Excellence Centre. His ongoing collaborations in research on hypertension are based in the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Centre of Research Excellence, Queen’s Medical Research Institute, Little France and at the University's Clinical Research Centre at the Western General Hospital.


Professor Webb has research interests in optimal hypertension treatment, management of treatment-resistant hypertension, and hypertension in diabetes and chronic kidney disease. His research is designed to find new medicines, and improve the way we use existing medicines, for treating people with high blood pressure, and has been funded largely by the BHF (though also MRC and Wellcome Trust), and published in the Lancet, Circulation and Hypertension journals. He has been involved in the development of ACE, angiotensinogen, renin, endothelin and phosphodiesterase inhibitors and has undertaken work on the safety of paracetamol in overdose and therapeutic use.