Who we are
Clinic and service contact details for all three Lothian locations and guidance on how to refer for the various services.
Clinics and services

Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Hypertension Service
European Society of Hypertension Excellence Centre
When: Wednesday morning
Who: Professor Simon Maxwell (s.maxwell@nhs.net)
Dr. R. Brown (roger.brown@ed.ac.uk)*
Dr. I. MacIntyre (iain.macintyre@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk)
Contact: Clinic secretary: caitlin.hamilton-jones@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Tel: 0131 537 1753
Lipid Service
When: Wednesday morning
Who: Professor Simon Maxwell (s.maxwell@nhs.net)*
Contact: Clinic secretary: email: caitlin.hamilton-jones@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Tel: 0131 537 1753

Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
Hypertension Service
When: Thursday afternoon
Who: Dr. H. Narayan (hafid.narayan@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk)
Contact: Clinic secretary: 0131 242 1481
Lipid Service
When: Wednesday morning
Who: Dr J Malo
Dr S Jenks
Dr N Shand
Contact: Clinic secretary: 0131 242 6870

St John's Hospital, Livingston
Lipid Service
When: Tuesday morning
Who: Dr N Shand
Contact: Clinic secretary: 01506 523844
How to refer for the various services
Primary Care
NHS Lothian: RefHelp
Secondary Care
Written referral to clinic consultants by letter or by email*.
Urgent Referrals
Written referral by email to secretary/consultant*, with follow up to secretaries, or by contacting consultant directly by telephone.
* Important reminder
Please do not use ed.ac.uk email addresses, to communicate patient-identifiable information.