Lothian Hypertension and Lipid clinics

Information for patients

Find out more about cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors.

If you are a patient and want to find out more about cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors, such as high blood pressure, raised cholesterol or smoking, links have been provided to various organisations which provide useful information.

Research (including if you would like to take part)

Home blood pressure monitoring



Your complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.

High blood pressure

High cholesterol


Transient Ischaemic Attack (mini-stroke)

Bariatric (weight loss) surgery

Live well

Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.

Diet / salt intake

Weight loss advice

BMI calculator

Smoking cessation

British Heart Foundation 

Familial hypercholesterolaemia

Heart attacks (Myocardial infarction)